Impact of disasters

Impact on vegetation: Flooding can cause flooding of agricultural land, leading to damage to crops. However, some ecosystems, like wetlands, can benefit from periodic waters, favoring biodiversity.
Disasters and their consequences

Natural disasters such as floods, fires and droughts have always been part of our planet’s history. In recent decades, however, their frequency and intensity have increased, with direct and indirect consequences for societies and economies. Human-induced climate change is leading to an increase in the number of extreme weather events, and their effects are having a huge impact on various sectors of the economy.
The role of social media in promoting environmental action

Environmental education and awareness
Social media is becoming a powerful tool in the field of environmental education,
Rola mediów społecznościowych w promowaniu działań proekologicznych
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Eko turystyka – lepsza alternatywa form podróżowania

Turystyka kładzie duży nacisk na minimalizowanie negatywnego wpływu turystyki na środowisko naturalne. Zamiast nadmiernego eksploatowania zasobów naturalnych i zanieczyszczania środowiska, jak to ma miejsce w masowej turystyce, eko-turystyka promuje odpowiedzialne podróżowanie.
Save planet

Zero waste focuses on reducing waste to zero by changing our consumption habits and approach to production. The main goal is to minimize the amount of trash that ends up in landfills and oceans, and to protect the environment.
Strength a group

Poland and Greece are countries with long histories and diverse challenges related to natural disasters. They have taken various measures to manage crises in the face of these hazards.
Methods of preventing natural disasters

Natural disasters such as floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes have a significant impact on people’s lives and the environment. In the face of a changing climate and increasing urbanization,
Ratowanie planety

Zero waste koncentruje się na redukcji odpadów do zera poprzez zmianę naszych nawyków konsumpcyjnych i podejścia do produkcji. Głównym celem jest minimalizowanie ilości śmieci, które trafiają na wysypiska i do oceanów, a także ochrona środowiska.
Natural circumstances of natural disasters in Poland and Greece – disasters and causes

Natural disasters are phenomena that can threaten life, property and the environment. Each region of the world faces different types of natural disasters due to unique geographical, climatic and geological conditions.