Project name

Foreign mobility – an effective tool for the development of key competences of students and staff of the ”Iwaszkiewicz” in Sochaczew

Project number:


Funding value: PLN 161,989.00

Source of financing: Project “Transnational student mobility” managed by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Social Fund.

Partner and country: Platon School, Greece

Date of preparatory visit: 17-19.09.2022

Number of participants in the preparatory visit: 2

Date of student mobility: 17-28.10.2022

Date of departure: 16-29.10.2022

Number of participants: 20 students and 3 staff representatives acting as supervisors


The project was a combination of the values ​​of formal education, the assumptions of the core curriculum of education in a technical school and practical skills in the area of ​​entrepreneurship.

The students worked on pages on the social networking site Facebook, learning about the business possibilities of this tool, including the promotion of products, brands and regions. Thanks to the project, the youth improved their language and cultural competences and established relationships with their peers by working in groups. The students learned how to use modern marketing communication channels to promote the tourist and recreational values ​​of the regions and support culinary tourism. The knowledge they gained will certainly be valuable in their further educational and professional paths.

During the trip, a 10-day substantive program was carried out, including both formal and non-formal classes, during which 4 professional thematic fanpages on Facebook and 1 project fanpage were created.

The educational activities were accompanied by an intensive cultural program, thanks to which the participants got to know the most interesting places in Pieria and the Olympic Riviera along with their cultural heritage.

An important aspect of the project was the involvement of 9 students with fewer opportunities, whose participation was facilitated by properly selected recruitment criteria. Participation in the project had a very positive impact on their relationships with peers and the development of key competences.
